Montag, 30. April 2012

Avengers Movie - awesome!

I saw it this weekend, and it surpassed all my expectations!

From the beginning to the end, it was a really cool ride!

Great actors, funny scenes, incredible action, some really nice eastereggs, the best Hulk ever, a badass Nick Fury and many many other greats.

To cut things short -

here are my 6 favourite scenes:

  • Black Widow and Agent Coulson "on hold"
  • Tony and Loki in the Stark Tower
  • Loki in prison and Black Widow interrogating
  • Hulk/Loki - that hurt!
  • the end credit scene with my favourite badguy! 
  • the helicarrier starting to fly - awesome!

XB-70A Valkyrie

Montag, 2. April 2012

You Win Or You Die

You Win Or You Die by Thirty37Seven
You Win Or You Die, a photo by Thirty37Seven on Flickr.
Game of Thrones - I just found the time to begin with watching this awesome series. Dark and gritty, great acting, a fascinating story!

Sonntag, 18. März 2012