Montag, 13. Februar 2017

On the Shores of Endless Worlds

The PorPor Books Blog: SF and Fantasy Books 1968 - 1988: On the Shores of Endless Worlds

Andrew Tomas (also known as A. Boncza Tomaszewski;1906 - 2001) was a Russian-born author who arguably created the entire 'Ancient Astronauts' genre with his 1935 book The Planetary Doctrine

During the 70s, the success of Erich von Daniken's books motivated paperback publishers in the US and UK to release new books Tomas had written on the Ancient Astronauts theme. Among these was Sphere Book's release of On the Shores of Endless Worlds.

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2017

Roger Zelazny - Roadmarks

After a quite intense 2016, let's see what 2017 brings. I'm looking forward to many things:

There will be a big wedding in june, some traveling to the good ol' UK and to France, an evening with a blacksmith, hopefully a comic convention, some big changes in my office, maybe a new position (who knows), evenings with good friends and my family, the sea, many many books and and and....

Plus I plan to get rid of some old stuff (clothes, comics, books, trading cards), because I need more room for new things.

And after all, enjoy life.

Its a bit late, but - Happy New Year to everybody, and have a good time!

P.S. The book of this post - I didn't read it until today, I found it in Notting Hill last October. But I thought the artwork is perfect for a new year.

Donnerstag, 17. November 2016

Doctor Strange - The Movie

Finally, I managed to see Doctor Strange. And it was awesome as expected. As a longtime Doctor Strange Fan, it was a real payoff. Everything was in there, and more! Benedict Cumberbatch is the perfect actor for this role. Even if the Ancient One wasn't the classic bearded old Asian like in the comics from the 60s, Tilda Swindon was great. And there was more humor in the movie than I thought. In the comics, Dr. Strange is always serious, but here were so many gags. They were great (i.e. his coat with its own mind, or - my favorite - the "Mr. Doctor?" scene with Kaecilius) and not "out of place".

And of course, the Dark Dimension with Dormammu was a visual LSD trip, and a great adaption of Ditkos work.

Go see it, its worth it.

Montag, 24. Oktober 2016

Steve Dillon, The Comic Book Artist Who Helped Create ‘Preacher,’ Dies at 54

From the NY Times:

Steve Dillon, a comic-book artist best known for Preacher, a long-running series, recently adapted for television, about three companions who literally search for God, died over the weekend in Manhattan. He was 54.

Another untimely death in 2016. He will be incredibly missed. His art made Preacher so great! Hellblazer, Punisher, Atom, Deadpool, and Scarlet Witch were also brought to life by him in a uncomparable way.

Rest in Peace!

Donnerstag, 22. September 2016

Review: Die Pforte von Patrick Lee - 1. Teil der Travis Chase Trilogie

Der ausgezeichneten Review auf dem Blog "Traumfeder" - Link siehe unten im Text - habe ich eigentlich nichts hinzuzufügen.

Ich kam auf den Roman aufgrund eines Tipps eines alten Freundes, und er hatte recht! Megaspannend, für mich eine Mischung aus "24" und "Fringe". Twenty-Four deshalb, weil Travis genauso erbarmungslos und brutal vorgeht wie Jack Bauer und die Action ähnlich schnell getaktet ist wie in der Fernsehserie. Und "Fringe" kam mir bei den ersten Kapiteln in den Sinn, vor allem wegen dem Thema Paralleluniversen, den Artefakten und natürlich dem Portal in eine andere Welt.

Erschienen ist der Roman bereits 2010, aber wie gesagt, aufmerksam wurde ich auf diesen Autoren erst heute, in dem Jahr, das im 3. Roman eine nicht unwichtige Rolle spielt.

Ich habe diesen und die 2 Folgeromane "Dystopia" und "Das Labyrinth der Zeit" innerhalb von 2 Wochen regelrecht verschlungen, und ich wurde von Anfang bis zur letzten Seite nicht enttäuscht.

Die ganze Trilogie ist absolut empfehlenswert!

Reihe: Travis Chase 1
Taschenbuch: 384 Seiten
Verlag: rororo (1. Dezember 2010)
Sprache: Deutsch