Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

The End of Eternity

A classic from Isaac Asimov.

Utopia Grossband 73
Originally uploaded by ortokur01

Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010

Dienstag, 9. November 2010


One of the coolest Galactus pictures ever!

Sonntag, 5. September 2010

2001 revisited - Part 2

Originally uploaded by darklorddisco
Again, one of these nice promo-pics of 2001 - a space odyssey!

Freitag, 6. August 2010

Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010

Save Flashforward!

One of the greatest TV-Series got canceled after just one season by ABC. There are worldwide severeal initiatives by fans to save it and get at least a second season, because the last episode of the first season left us with a lot of questions and was open-ended. Go to the following pages and support a second season of Flashforward:

Thank you!

Montag, 7. Juni 2010

Erlangen 2010

Two days ago, I returned from the 14. International Comic-Salon in Erlangen, Germany. As usual, it was a blast - my friends and me had so much fun. And of course, we completed our collections, discovered new comics, and met artists. I managed to find some real nice 70s Marvel Magazines and cheap trades, and an almost complete run of Dr. Strange.

Dienstag, 20. April 2010

2001 revisited

Still one of the best Sci-Fi-Movies ever!

Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010


Spiegelungen 2
Originally uploaded by ortokur01
In der Nähe von Koblenz, an der deutschen Grenze. Ein wunderschöner Sonntagnachmittag im Februar 2010.

Samstag, 13. Februar 2010

Perry Rhodan 265

Perry Rhodan 265
Originally uploaded by ortokur01
This is my favourite Sci-Fi-Series - I read it since 1979. This issue, however, is from 1966, a first edition. Perry Rhodan and his terrans are stranded in the past, more than 50'000 years from now. The Masters of the Island are responsible for this, an ancient race of immortals.

Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010

Happy Birthday, H.R. Giger!

One of the greatest artist in history celebrates his 70th birthday on february 5th, 2010 - his work ist awesome, disturbing, beautiful, incredible and terrifying. No one can show nightmares like him, and pictures worlds like from another dimension or reality. Without him, science-fiction and horrormovies would be different today. Congratulations!

Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

Sonntag, 24. Januar 2010

Avatar Movie

I saw AVATAR a week ago in 3D. I never thought that this would be such an experience - it's incredible. Go watch this movie !

Schaut Euch diesen Film an - es ist unglaublich. Drama, Action und unglaubliche Bilder - hier ist die Zukunft des Kinos. Auch für Leute, die mit Science-Fiction nicht viel am Hut haben - die Natur von Pandora ist so real, man möchte fast ein Ticket für den nächsten Flug buchen. Alle sprechen von der "Pocahontas-Story im All". Mir persönlich ist bei den Dschungeln von Pandora Harry Harrisons "Todeswelt" (Deathworld) in Erinnerung gekommen. Dort geht es auch um einen Dschungelplaneten mit einer mörderischen Flora und Fauna. Es ist schon 20 Jahre her, als ich ihn gelesen hatte - ich muss ihn mir wieder mal zu Gemüte führen.

Freitag, 1. Januar 2010

Vintage Cover of the Day

Utopia 356
Originally uploaded by ortokur01
Because it is the first day in a new decade - here's a very nice cover of a story that I bought at december 13th 2009. I like the colours and the arrangement very much. And it has a interesting story - well, for me - old-fashioned space opera adventure, old civilisations, a ship marooned in space, multi-nation crew - a secret on an old asteroid, who crosses our solar system. (not quite RAMA, much smaller...)