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Samstag, 26. Mai 2018

Josh Brolin as Cable - Deadpool 2

Josh Brolin - The man who IS Thanos - plays an incredible cool Cable in the new Deadpool 2.

Cable is one of my favorite superheroes from the X-Men Universe. I was reading the New Mutants in the 90s, when he debuted. He was fascinating, because we only knew he was from the future, and is somehow related to the X-Men. And I was a great fan of Terminator, so a cyborg-like guy from years to come, with a big gun? Check.

I have most of his comics from the 90s, but I had no idea how he could be brought to the screen.
Well, it really worked. Even if the movie is a parody of the superhero-genre, what was great is that his origin is not exactly explained. So there is still the possibility that he is the son of cyclops. (and a clone of Jean Grey). Somewhere Mr. Sinister is waiting and scheming...

Brolin - who also played Jonah Hex - is "grim n'gritty" like in the comics. He has these bags an patches, an incredible array of weapons and a time machine. He is hurt, and determined to kill anybody who stands in the way to change the future, to bring back his family.

And he wasn't a parody, or a comic relief, even if this was difficult around the over-the-top-bloody-crazy-hilarious Ryan Reynolds.

If you liked the first Deadpool, go to the movie. In my opinion, Deadpool himself is  - well - like Deadpool the last time, with the exception that he dies for, like an hour or so. But fortunately, there is X-Force and Cable. Even if Domino is not quite the Domino from the comics, she's better than I thought. Not to forget the X-Men and the Juggernaut. Colossus is still the good guy with a little naive view of the world, but he gets a real great fight in the movie. Go watch it.

Freitag, 2. Januar 2015

Startling Stories - Nov. 1952

To start the new year, here's my latest addition to my collection. Startling Stories from 1952!
It has everything - nice cover, rockets, girls, interior illustrations that are really great, interesting stories.

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

Sonntag, 24. Januar 2010

Avatar Movie

I saw AVATAR a week ago in 3D. I never thought that this would be such an experience - it's incredible. Go watch this movie !

Schaut Euch diesen Film an - es ist unglaublich. Drama, Action und unglaubliche Bilder - hier ist die Zukunft des Kinos. Auch für Leute, die mit Science-Fiction nicht viel am Hut haben - die Natur von Pandora ist so real, man möchte fast ein Ticket für den nächsten Flug buchen. Alle sprechen von der "Pocahontas-Story im All". Mir persönlich ist bei den Dschungeln von Pandora Harry Harrisons "Todeswelt" (Deathworld) in Erinnerung gekommen. Dort geht es auch um einen Dschungelplaneten mit einer mörderischen Flora und Fauna. Es ist schon 20 Jahre her, als ich ihn gelesen hatte - ich muss ihn mir wieder mal zu Gemüte führen.

Sonntag, 12. Juli 2009

Losses and other things

Originally uploaded by OBNX.MUTE
Had a pause in posting some news, 'cause there was a death in the family. Pain, grief and loss - its something that we have to accept. Sometimes its hard.

Since my last post, there were so many things that happened - a pop star icon and a kung fu legend died - a french airbus disappered - a revolt against the mullahs in iran started and we saw the birth of a new icon for the iranian people. For me, besides all the losses und changes everywhere, there were also some very beautiful moments. Moments of love, happiness and being always in the knowledge of the strength and support that you get from your friends.

Now, I'm looking forward to a trip to London, I wasn't there since 2002. I'm really excited about this.


because of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, there are so many interesting articles, tv documentations and pictures around - it's overwhelming. I hope that we will see another man on the moon in my lifetime, or on Mars. In my opinion, our future lies in space. No nation, not countries, only mankind.

Take a look at the photostream of OBNX.MUTE at Flickr - the pics are awesome!