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Posts mit dem Label marvel cinematic universe werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Samstag, 26. Mai 2018
Josh Brolin as Cable - Deadpool 2
Josh Brolin - The man who IS Thanos - plays an incredible cool Cable in the new Deadpool 2.
Cable is one of my favorite superheroes from the X-Men Universe. I was reading the New Mutants in the 90s, when he debuted. He was fascinating, because we only knew he was from the future, and is somehow related to the X-Men. And I was a great fan of Terminator, so a cyborg-like guy from years to come, with a big gun? Check.
I have most of his comics from the 90s, but I had no idea how he could be brought to the screen.
Well, it really worked. Even if the movie is a parody of the superhero-genre, what was great is that his origin is not exactly explained. So there is still the possibility that he is the son of cyclops. (and a clone of Jean Grey). Somewhere Mr. Sinister is waiting and scheming...
Brolin - who also played Jonah Hex - is "grim n'gritty" like in the comics. He has these bags an patches, an incredible array of weapons and a time machine. He is hurt, and determined to kill anybody who stands in the way to change the future, to bring back his family.
And he wasn't a parody, or a comic relief, even if this was difficult around the over-the-top-bloody-crazy-hilarious Ryan Reynolds.
If you liked the first Deadpool, go to the movie. In my opinion, Deadpool himself is - well - like Deadpool the last time, with the exception that he dies for, like an hour or so. But fortunately, there is X-Force and Cable. Even if Domino is not quite the Domino from the comics, she's better than I thought. Not to forget the X-Men and the Juggernaut. Colossus is still the good guy with a little naive view of the world, but he gets a real great fight in the movie. Go watch it.
marvel cinematic universe,
marvel universe,
Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2018
Black Panther - A Marvel Movie
Black Panther wasn't specially a favourite of mine, but I enjoyed the storyline with T'challa marrying Storm from the X-Men, and the old ones from Kirby. I went to the movie just to see what happens until the new Avengers.
Well, the movie is good! Go see it ! Cool characters, action, fun, everything what belongs to a Marvel Movie. The african-english is a little bit too much, but the actors were great! Chadwick Boseman IS Black Panther. Great. And Andy Serkis as a crazy Supervillain - he was hilarious.
black panther,
marvel cinematic universe,
Donnerstag, 17. August 2017
Thor Ragnarok - Poster

Thor, Hulk, Loki, Hela, Doctor Strange - can't wait until November!
The Trailers are awesome, funny and cool.
doctor strange,
marvel cinematic universe,
Montag, 2. Mai 2016
Captain America: Civil War
Saw the movie last week. Great! A perfect follow-up to Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Go see it!
Read also the interesting review on the Forbidden Planet Blog.
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