Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2017

Of Happiness and Losses

The year 2017 - what a year! There were so many things that happened, so many good and happy moments, but also some really sad ones.

This year, the daughter of my girlfriend was to get married in June, and so we had a lot to prepare. Decoration, clothing, gifts and all - because - like every wedding - it was a special day. So, in spring we went two times to the UK, to buy everything we needed. The second time - in May - we visited the Chelsea Garten Show - my girl's a passionate gardener - and luckily I had the pleasure to go to the London Comic Con. It was a really great experience. It was my first Con in the UK.  I met Gary Erskine - a favorite artist who worked for Marvel UK in the gloryful 90ies, saw the original costumes from the Wonder Woman movie, bought a lot of comics - in short - I had a wonderful day.

Then, finally, the wedding came in June, and it was one of the greatest weddings ever! The weather was great, everybody was happy and everything we organized worked like clockwork. The day was filled with fun, music, laughter, lot of wine and beer, great food, until the sun came up the next day.

Also, I bought a new car. We sold our Peugeot 4008 (a white SUV, diesel) just before the Diesel-Affair hit the news, and the prices of diesel cars plummeted. The new car is the future: a shiny black Peugeot 508 RCX Hybrid. How much the future I didn't imagine. Until I saw Blade Runner 2049. When Rian Goslings Spinner crashed, I saw the iconic Peugeot frontpiece, just like on my 508.

Ah, movies - from Blade Runner to Justice League, from Kingsman - the Golden Circle to Thor - a year that was great for the nerd in me. And I didn't manage to see Star Wars - The last Jedi yet.

Sad moments, when you lose somebody happened also in 2017. From famous artists and actors like John Hurt or Roger Moore to two dear friends. One of them was nearly 80 years, an Austrian retired Engineer, whose humor and charm I will always miss. I will drink a whisky in your memory, dear Ernst.

The other one, well, its much harder to write because it concerns the one guy who gave the name of this blog. He was a teacher (his profession), a musician, a philosopher, a nerd, and above all a Texan.

When I met him, a friend of mine asked me if I was interested to go to the great german Comicsalon in Erlangen. He and 2 other guys were going there. Well, I was very interested! This is the European version of the San Diego Comic Con - only a little bit smaller...

One of the guys was Brett. He was incredible funny, witty and creative. One of his hobbies was giving other names to people. His best friend was Captain Collector (he has one of the greatest comic collections I know), and mine was The Cherokee Stuntman. (I don't know why, but the name stuck) He also gave himself a name: the Trade Paperback Kid.

For many years, we went to the Comic convention, and it was always a highlight for all of us.

In the last few years, he left Zurich for Basel, and he started with 2 bands (Captain Ludd and The Jesus Taco). I never heard them live, but some songs are on youtube.

He began writing, traveling and publishing his own stories. He was also very popular at the school where he worked, I heard.

I was curious what he will do next. Always searching, always creative.

And now, just before Christmas, I heard the news that he died, heart attack.
He was just 51.

We all miss him. Verily.

Rest in Peace, my pal. You left a big gap in the life of everybody who knew you. I hope you meet all the great musicians up there, and, above all, go and have a chat with Jack Kirby and all the other comic greats who left the mortal plane.

 The Cherokee Stuntman.

Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2017

Montag, 16. Oktober 2017

Blade Runner 2049

Saw it 10 days ago in London. I hoped that Villeneuve would make it right. But boy, did he deliver!

A long movie, but every second was perfect. A perfect continuation of the original Blade Runner. Gosling and Fort are great, and so are Bautista, Leto and Ana de Armas.

I am really happy! And - a little spoiler - in 2049, Peugeot builds flying cars!

Go watch the movie - it's worth it. 

Donnerstag, 17. August 2017

Thor Ragnarok - Poster

Thor Ragnarok 

Thor, Hulk, Loki, Hela, Doctor Strange - can't wait until November!
The Trailers are awesome, funny and cool. 

Dienstag, 4. April 2017

From Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool: And so it begins...

Under the headline "Our Dishonest President", the rant begins: "It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters. The LA Times called him unprepared and unsuited for the job he was seeking, and said his election would be a 'catastrophe'.

"Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck."

Claiming to represent "those who oppose the new president's reckless and heartless agenda" whose voices aren't being heard, the Times Editorial Board goes on to describe Trump's decisions as "immensely dangerous" and "radically wrongheaded".

"What is most worrisome about Trump is Trump himself," it reads.

"He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation.


Montag, 13. Februar 2017

On the Shores of Endless Worlds

The PorPor Books Blog: SF and Fantasy Books 1968 - 1988: On the Shores of Endless Worlds

Andrew Tomas (also known as A. Boncza Tomaszewski;1906 - 2001) was a Russian-born author who arguably created the entire 'Ancient Astronauts' genre with his 1935 book The Planetary Doctrine

During the 70s, the success of Erich von Daniken's books motivated paperback publishers in the US and UK to release new books Tomas had written on the Ancient Astronauts theme. Among these was Sphere Book's release of On the Shores of Endless Worlds.

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2017

Roger Zelazny - Roadmarks

After a quite intense 2016, let's see what 2017 brings. I'm looking forward to many things:

There will be a big wedding in june, some traveling to the good ol' UK and to France, an evening with a blacksmith, hopefully a comic convention, some big changes in my office, maybe a new position (who knows), evenings with good friends and my family, the sea, many many books and and and....

Plus I plan to get rid of some old stuff (clothes, comics, books, trading cards), because I need more room for new things.

And after all, enjoy life.

Its a bit late, but - Happy New Year to everybody, and have a good time!

P.S. The book of this post - I didn't read it until today, I found it in Notting Hill last October. But I thought the artwork is perfect for a new year.