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Posts mit dem Label London werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Samstag, 29. Dezember 2018

In London

Arrived in London

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

Atomic Energy by H.D. Smyth - 1945

Atomic Energy - A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes under the Auspices of the United States Government 
This little paperback caught my eye, when I was strolling through the Portobello Flea Market in London, a few weeks ago. It cost only a few pounds, and I bought it because I am interested in the history of WW 2 and also the first days of nuclear technology. In the forties and fifties, it seemed there was no limit for the use of atomic power. So, this was a genuine document from this time, written for the public (and authorized by the powers-that-be).  And - quite special, when you look at it with the eyes of a non-UK-resident of the 21st century - it was printed an published by "His Majesty Stationery Office" - I do not know it this office still exists.

It is a interesting read - and according to my research, a quite cheap buy. 

Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2012

Sonntag, 8. Juli 2012

Richard Doyle - Deluge

Richard Doyle - Deluge by ortokur01
Richard Doyle - Deluge, a photo by ortokur01 on Flickr.
another apocalyptic story from 1976

Sonntag, 23. August 2009

A few impressions.....

Seen at the Portobello fleamarket - nice covers.

And of course, the Tower Bridge and the HMS Belfast

Financial district

Urania, the muse of astrology,
Oxo tower.

and Big Ben.