Freitag, 1. Januar 2010

Vintage Cover of the Day

Utopia 356
Originally uploaded by ortokur01
Because it is the first day in a new decade - here's a very nice cover of a story that I bought at december 13th 2009. I like the colours and the arrangement very much. And it has a interesting story - well, for me - old-fashioned space opera adventure, old civilisations, a ship marooned in space, multi-nation crew - a secret on an old asteroid, who crosses our solar system. (not quite RAMA, much smaller...)

Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

Happy New Year!

I wish you a happy New Year! Take care, enjoy and seize the day!

Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2009

Vintage Cover of the Day

Terra 20
Originally uploaded by ortokur01
Legion der Zeitlosen - ein Terra Sonderband

Sonntag, 23. August 2009

A few impressions.....

Seen at the Portobello fleamarket - nice covers.

And of course, the Tower Bridge and the HMS Belfast

Financial district

Urania, the muse of astrology,
Oxo tower.

and Big Ben.

Sonntag, 12. Juli 2009

Losses and other things

Originally uploaded by OBNX.MUTE
Had a pause in posting some news, 'cause there was a death in the family. Pain, grief and loss - its something that we have to accept. Sometimes its hard.

Since my last post, there were so many things that happened - a pop star icon and a kung fu legend died - a french airbus disappered - a revolt against the mullahs in iran started and we saw the birth of a new icon for the iranian people. For me, besides all the losses und changes everywhere, there were also some very beautiful moments. Moments of love, happiness and being always in the knowledge of the strength and support that you get from your friends.

Now, I'm looking forward to a trip to London, I wasn't there since 2002. I'm really excited about this.


because of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, there are so many interesting articles, tv documentations and pictures around - it's overwhelming. I hope that we will see another man on the moon in my lifetime, or on Mars. In my opinion, our future lies in space. No nation, not countries, only mankind.

Take a look at the photostream of OBNX.MUTE at Flickr - the pics are awesome!